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About the Me!!!

OfficeIT Lab
Office HoursWednesday and Thursday
Virtual MeetingsMicrosoft Team

Course Syllabus

  • This course focus on basic concepts of operating systems and system programming. Utility programs, subsystems, multiple-program systems. Processes, interprocess communication, and synchronization. Memory allocation, segmentation, paging. Loading and linking, libraries. Resource allocation, scheduling, performance evaluation. File systems, storage devices, I/O systems. Protection, security, and privacy

Core Topics

  1. OS Concepts: How to Navigate as a Systems Programmer!

    1. Process, I/O, Networks and Virtual Machines​
  2. Concurrency​

    1. Threads, scheduling, locks, deadlock, scalability, fairness​
  3. Address Space​

    1. Virtual memory, address translation, protection, sharing​
  4. File Systems​

    1. I/O devices, file objects, storage, naming, caching, performance, paging, transactions, databases​
  5. Distributed Systems​

    1. Protocols, N-Tiers, RPC, NFS, DHTs, Consistency, Scalability, multicast​
  1. Reliability & Security​

    1. Fault tolerance, protection, security​
  2. Cloud Infrastructure​


A solid understanding ofthe theory of how things are stored in the computer, as well as the theory of how a processor executes instructions, as well as a basic understanding of programming (and specifically programming in C) are the tools you'll need to succeed in this class.

Course Announcements

All the course announcement and additional materials or tutorials to help you learn the cource will be posted in the blog page of the course website.

Homework late policy

Every assignment in this course is due at exactly the time stated and while I will grade late assignments, there will be a marks deduction.


The course evaluation will be a weighted mask score on class attenance and participation, homework, quizes, projects and exams.


Optional Reading Materials